Sweet Summer Time

Ah, summer. The time of year where school is out, you are melting relaxing by the pool while slipping away into another reality (i.e. reading), unless of course you are like me and work year round and you don't have a pool or time to read, for that matter. I feel like in the summer you either thrive or die (not literally but it kind of rhymed so let's go with it). What am I referring to, you ask? Everything, friends. I'm talking about health routines (eating and exercising), reading, studying, praying, hosting, gathering with friends or other families. I just feel like summer rolls around and instead of thriving, I'm dying on the vine. Could it be the Florida heat that is slowly snuffing out my motivation to do anything other than what I need to do? It's very possible. 

So how do we turn this around? Well, I've got some tips for you and yes, I plan on implementing them today.

1. Pray. Simple, right? Can be. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "pray continually,".
Just give all your worries and cares to your Daddy. He knows what's going on but He wants to hear it from you. You know when something awesome happens to someone you know but you didn't find out from them? Instead, you found out via social media or another friend. Do you remember how that kind of felt like a punch to the gut? Well, sometimes I picture the Lord feels that way. Like we have talked about it and people are praying on our behalf for "simplicity and balance" but we haven't talked to Him ourselves. I love this quote, "Have you prayed about it as much as you've talked about it?" - seriously, have you? Yeah, me either. 

2. Accountability. In our women's Sunday school group there were many of us who talked about accountability and the lack of accountability in our life. We need this in our lives. Is it scary to ask someone to keep you accountable? Is it hard to ask someone who already has so much on their plate to add one more thing for you? Will this change your everyday? Yes, yes and I sure hope so! Pray about who to ask to keep you accountable and then ask them if they would entrust that to you as well. Create deeply rooted sisterhood. Start with accountability. 

3. Quit Quitting. I recently (like two days ago) finished an awesome study by Nicki Koziarz - 5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn't Quit. This study was on the book of Ruth and it was awesome. Seriously, SO many good nuggets. I cannot say more good things about it. Basically, she gives you five tools from the book of Ruth on how to combat that quitting spirit we all carry in some way, shape or form. You don't have to read the book in order to do the study; however, I plan on reading the book anyway. 

Whelp, that's all I got for you and really, that's all you need. Let's put these tips into action and THRIVE the rest of this summer. We'll be prepared for fall and we all know how much I love fall. ;)

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